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Are you
man enough?

No, I am not here to question your masculinity. I am here to support you in redefining what it means to be a man today.

In a world that’s constantly trying to fit you into a box, we’re here to break the mold. Men are expected to be strong, stoic, and in control at all times. Expressing vulnerability, emotions, or deviating from these predetermined norms is often seen as a sign of weakness. This can lead to men feeling isolated, misunderstood, and unable to fully explore and embrace their authentic selves.

It’s important to detect and transform the subconscious mechanisms men needed to install over centuries to fit into the system.

My work will offer you a spacious and compassionate inner container, helping you to explore and understand your sub- conscious Hinterland. You will be guided through 10 modules in a 4-months intensive program serving you as a trail guide to climb the “mountain of self-awareness”.
This journey involves questioning and unlearning harmful beliefs, exploring one’s own values and desires, and embracing a more inclusive and compassionate version of masculinity.

Our work together will help you…

The Male Journey

  • 1To become at ease with your emotional world. Being able to express, feel and contain even difficult feelings
  • 2To learn how to achieve stillness, presence and inner connection leading to a sense of inner peace and calm
  • 3To step fully into your zone of power and presence, into the most positive version of the embodied masculine
  • 4To show up at your best in relation to your “three marriages” of: Self, Relationships & Work.
  • 5To move from depletion, overwhelm and anxiety to learning how to use your energy wisely
  • 6And to ultimately elevate your impact on the world by living your higher purpose

An Intensive Programme &

A trail guide to climb the mountain of self-awareness

My 1:1 Work with you 

“Think of the mind as a snow-covered hill and your thoughts as sleds going down that hill. Over time, the more runs of the sled, the deeper the grooves. It becomes very hard to go down the hill without getting drawn into the grooves. They become attractors.

Think of the psychedelic experience as a fresh snowfall that fills all the grooves and allows you once again to go down the hill, along another route, any route you want.                        (-  Michael Pollan)

In my work and training I investigated for many years how we can transform, change and integrate what we learned into our every day life. How can we create new grooves?
Today I understand that we need a tight routine to get used to our new “operating system”. Like learning an instrument or a new language, we have to exercise.

I help you to stay on track. I will help you to see where you are in the process, to unpack your unconscious patterns, question your believe systems, fears and doubts. Together we will have a deeper look into the story you tell yourself, detect areas where you are not present, disconnected from yourself and others.

Creating new grooves is an act of awakening. At the beginning this feels uncomfortable, as we enter uncharted territory. The mind wants to go back to what is familiar. In the process we come across doubts (Why should I change, it’s actually working?). We forget (Everything else is more important). We numb (Working too much, running, avoiding stillness).

I help you to stay awake, present, committed and present in your process.


Going Beyond 

Sometimes we hit a wall and have difficulties to overcome inner limitations. Micro-Dosing will help to cut through difficult material, to feel the feelings, to experience on a cellular level. You will work through your resistance or frozenness by opening your heart and connecting to suppressed feelings. This will create the energy needed to drive deep change and healing leading to profound transformation.

Sometimes we need to step out of our own system and witness from a distance. Through expanding your awareness you will experience a more spacious container in which you  have the possibility to change perspective. Together we want to rebuild your inner makings so that you can move more effortlessly move from your current state to your next unfolding.

Sitting in a Circle of Likeminded Men 

Never underestimate the healing power of a sharing circle.

The thought of sharing in front of other men might seem uncomfortable at the beginning but very soon you will appreciate how much you learn about yourselves while listening to others. We are all in this together. What you might struggle to express, even put your finger on, might be expressed with ease by the brother sitting next to you.

A circle enables deep transformation and will change the way you relate in general. It helps us grow a more generous, compassionate and tolerant heart.

We are organising circles making sure that your privacy is respected, that you feel safe and seen. We are co-creating these experiences with your help, making sure that all your needs are met, your boundaries respected and your voice heard.

A circle helps us to tap into the intelligence of the collective, to get a better sense of the “system” we are all a part of. Together we will detect the underlying conditioning which shaped our view of reality and often limits our capacity to see the full picture.

Co- Creating a World we know is Possible 

While we explore, heal and grow we can feel alone. You might have entered a new phase in your life. You woke up, your recent experiences made you see things differently, but your close circle is still the same and you have difficulties to relate to their point of you or way of living.  You might see things differently, become aware of toxic relationships you silently accepted and feel the need to have a conversation with other fellow seekers.

The Band of Brother Community is a place where you can connect with other men who are going through the same.

You will have the opportunity to access interesting material (books, podcasts, articles) exchange opinions, get advice from other men, give advice to other men and feel connected and inspired by a community of fellow mountain climbers…. 

Your Journey into the Depth of your Unconscious 

An intentionally guided journey into an expanded state of consciousness is the fiercest, most honest way to explore the roots of suffering. It brings you face-to-face with your psychological wounds and the way they appear in your body as tension, numbness and dissociation.

The experience will amplify what you need to see (and try not to), it will help you to detect what is actually driving your decision making, view of reality – your life!

You will be able to connect the dots in a new and often surprising way. You will be able to tune into other people and understand how they perceive reality, themselves, you, their life.

Our preparation is thorough and a work of precision. We will take the time to turn every stone, to ask questions, to set clear intentions.

An inner journey encompasses the multi-layered experience of a human life. We can reach the undiscovered corners of our psyche in a way that still remains unmatched by other therapeutic modalities.

The Book called: My Life 

Working with psychedelics and writing go hand in hand. You can access your subconscious through writing and you will access deeper layers of your psyche by developing a consistent  writing routine.

We will also write together. We summarise your sessions, describe breakthroughs, explore a topic together. We will write a letter to clear the field with somebody you have difficulties to communicate with.

At the end of this program, you will own pages of wisdom enabling you to get a real sense of the road we travelled together.

For each of us guys, life unfolds in different ways. It’s a grand experience, full of joy, achievement and adventure. But for each of us, questions will arise, particularly as we hit the maturity and the challenges of middle age, or as life starts throwing us curve ball after curve ball.

– Fred Destin


What Brothers Say

I’ve worked with Alexandra for over a year now. It’s not an overstatement to say this has been one of the most profound experiences of my life. Intense, mind expanding and truly transformational. Alexandra is both incredibly professional and inspirational. Professional in the sense of managing to bring her huge wealth of experience into a clear, practical, intentional programme of work: from deep preparation through to the most amazing, guided experience.


The work I have taken with Alexandra has allowed to heal, to dramatically improve the quality of my relationships with the people closest to me, to show up differently in the world, to take profound ownership of my actions (both positive and negative) and to put me on a path of authenticity, love and contribution to the world.  What sets her apart are the following characteristics: depth of knowledge and experience, radical intellectual honesty, ability to hold the space and not project herself into it, raw talent and intelligence, and extreme care and empathy taken in accompanying her clients.

F. D.

Authenticity and integrity, extensive experience, incredible dedication and commitment to the improvement of humanity, divine guidance, humbleness, understanding complex situations, humour, not taking herself too seriously, both incredible authority and yet keeping a beginner’s mind in many situations, amazing intuition, strong ambition – these qualities allow Alexandra to connect at a deeper level and create an incredible bond of trust.

N. S.

Alexandra’s work demonstrates how limited classical therapy is and how much more she contributes to the healing process. It is simply incomparable as one session with Alexandra can bring as many insights as several years of classical therapy. But more importantly, this one session can bring so much more results thanks to living the deeper emotions/feelings and memories that are so difficult to access for many (as was my case) in classical therapy.


Why Me? The Female Gaze

For The Love Of Men

What I have experienced in my work with men over the years, is a strong disconnection from their feelings, confusion around the emotional world, bypassing by numbing or avoiding and a strong focus on the intellect versus intuition and embodiment.

I am inviting you to participate in a project which is ambitiously envisioning profound change within four months.

The intensity is needed to keep the attention and energy on the new way to go, establish new possibilities and integrate a new way of thinking and feeling.

I feel a passionate longing to further explore the human operating system – not only to better understand how we could possibly end up in this terrible mess but also to find solutions to get us out of it.

Logistics & Roadmap

This a 4-month programme combining individual work and group work. You will be invitated to join the community of the Band of Brothers. Personal development is not a one-size-fits-all process. It’s a journey that’s unique to each individual. That’s why my programme is designed to be interactive, engaging, and personalised to your needs.

Are you “man enough” to be a leader, but not afraid to follow?
Tough, but not afraid to love?
Ready to step out of your comfort zone?
Then this is for you!

  • A course in 10 Modules, a 4-month intensive programme
  • Your individual roadmap: adjusted to your personal needs and preferences
  • Weekly sessions, written summaries
  • A 24h-Intensives to integrate the experience and take the process deeper
  • Access to a supportive community of men, group exchanges
  • Breathwork techniques and “breathing- hacks” which will help you to regulate energy levels, anxiety and your sleeping patterns

Pathfinder – Event 1 – Wednesday, April 17th

Going Deep With Psychedelics. An evening to delve deep into the nature and modalities of Psychedelic Work. We will unpack the nature of Personal Work; in particular how psychedelics help us gain deeper insights about ourselves and how we show up in the world.

We would like to invite you to an evening of sharing and community with fellow men to delve deep into the nature of Deep Inner Work.


Pathfinder – Event 2 – Wednesday 19 Jun 2024

“No society can understand itself without looking at its trauma and shadow side. All of the diagnoses that you deal with – depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar illness, post traumatic stress disorder, even psychosis, are significantly rooted in trauma. They are manifestations of trauma.” (- Gabor Maté)

​We would like to invite you to an evening of sharing and community with fellow men to delve deep into the nature of Trauma.

Pathfinder – Event 3 – Wednesday 25 Sept 2024

The Shadow comprises the personality traits and thoughts you wish you didn’t have—your “darker” side. Think of the Shadow as anything that is holding you back in life (trauma, perceptions, insecurities, etc.) Shadow work is the act of uncovering, acknowledging, and under-standing the parts of yourself you instinctively want to suppress.

We would like to invite you to an evening of sharing and community with fellow men to delve deep into the nature of Shadow work.